Fantastic app! Cthulhu Approves!! Do more pls!
Fantastic app! Cthulhu Approves!! Do more pls!
You can search amongst the blasted heath but youll not find a more terrifying app...
This collection contains three marvelous (and by that word I mean it in the truest sense - awestruck!) short works by Lovecraft that are an enchanting (another word, enchanted! Luring you with its siren song!) introduction to the worlds he had composed. The framing animation, reminiscent of the pop-up books from saccharine youth, draw you deep into the story... and then LASH out with a bestial fury that will shock and haunt even the most adult, jaded mind. Hearkening back to a time when man was first probing geologic time and realizing how puny and transient he is in the scheme of the cosmos, Lovecraft reminds us of how these discoveries terrified us.
I really like H.P. Lovecraft. What the developers did with this app was a lot of fun. I hope they make more Lovecraft stories. I personally would like to see The Nameless City, or The Festival, and of course The Call Of Cthulhu. Thanks guys!
As the title suggests this app really did well to capture the mood the H.P Lovecraft was trying to portray, I would of loved to see this app take on other works by him like the mountain of madness or even shadows over innsmouth. I really want to see this app succeed to deliver more of his work
Throughly enjoyed it!
Looks very promising and immersive, cant wait to read it
With fantastic music and animations, this brings HPLs macabre stories to vivid life. I hope it is only the first volume of many.
Ive been a fan of Lovecraft since I was in high school . I have played Arkham Horror and COC dark corners of the earth . This reminds me of both those interpretations and is good for Lovecraft fans and noobs.
Avid reader and Lovecraftian fan here; Ive gotta say, that was an amazing experience. Anyway you guys could adapt more of his stories? "Call of Cthulhu" or "Into the Mountains of Madness" perhaps?
I cannot endorse this app more, especially for those just beginning the journey into the Cthulhu Mythos.
Animation and music are wonderful. I would like more direction or some cues on what pages the animation is available. The stories on the other hand are boring. Takes forever for anything to happen . . .
Amazing. I am speechless. If they continue with Lovecraft stories then they have got an ardent subscriber! I would love to see, "Call of Cthulhu" or "The Outsider"... Get this app. Appease the Elder Gods...
H.P Lovecraft for everyone!
Definitely worth 2 bucks! It is the best way to introduce someone to HPL!
This app/book has turned out to be the only possible way to improve upon works of H.P. Lovecraft! The interactive, entertaining presentation of his classics is so unique that it fosters a new admiration of his writing that you didnt know was possible; it manages to strike a new chord of fear within you that you didnt realize was still there! This app is worth every cent and I urge you to dive right in!
Well worth the small price of admission to see these works brought to life. Youll startle a couple of times, guaranteed.
Excellent artistry and music carried by an author of endless wonder. The depth and mystery of Lovecraft has only begun to be explored...
Please do the outsider by lovecraft.
Very well done and entertaining.