The use of interactive art and parallax scrolling made this quite the masterful art piece whether a die hard Lovecraft fan like myself or someone stumbling upon the occult for the first time this is for you!
The use of interactive art and parallax scrolling made this quite the masterful art piece whether a die hard Lovecraft fan like myself or someone stumbling upon the occult for the first time this is for you!
Its hard for me to read Lovecraft due to his language, its hard for me to keep my head in it. This app made every page turn worth the read!
Very enhanced digital read!
I thoroughly enjoyed this. Certainly worth the money. Wish it was longer.
I loved it. I just wish there was more.
I would pay for each and every HPL story to be told in this fashion. Stunning visuals, engrossing music, and just enough interactivity to keep you thoroughly involved...more than a book, better than a game. Well done!
Fantastic! Lovecraft would be proud of this app. The only downside is their needs to be more stories.
I thought this app is good because I dont like to read and this is a good example of why people should try something they are interested and read it I like this
Very intriguing app! Id like to see a Cthulhu version come out!
I love Lovecraft books, this one is an amazing experience, love the illustration, music, and typo... And of course the story! Pleaseee DO KAFKA!!! It would be awesome to get "The Metamorphosis" in this interactive way! Great job, 5 stars!
I never take the time to write reviews for apps but this one was worth it. If you are contemplating on spending that $1.99, do it. If you are a lover (as myself) for Lovecraft, horror and dark things this is the perfect app. The eery music plays as you read. Each story has a playlist of ambient music playing. Where you can go to the menu and check out the O. S. T. ,and play those songs without going through the story (for people who enjoy ambient music for relaxation like me) The animation and interaction you can do with with every other page is outstanding. I wanted to give this a 4.5 but gave it 5 stars. I only say this because the app only has 3 of the stories from H.P. Lovecrafts collection. But this app is definitely worth the money. I hope they continue to app more of the stories.
Very cool app. Love the animations.
Ive read all his stories many times. I find myself buying new collections of short stories to get that one short story I dont have. These are not stories that are rare, but this is certainly a rare experience! I really like the interactive parts while reading, Dagon was a particular favorite. Id love to see one of these for Shadow over innsmouth, or mountains of madness, or shadow out of not make one for them all. Seriously though for 1.99 it was the best lovecraft purchase I made in a while. 5 tentacles up.
Just exceptional! If you are not familiar with Lovecrafts work you will become a fan.... iClassics has done a great job on this release by one of the best in the genre. I also own iClassics Edgar Allen Poe releases which are just as entertaining. Buy wont be disappointed.
Such a great introduction to Lovecraft! Every page a little adventure of art and literature. Every book should be this way!
Amazing experience, beautiful graphics and atmosphere. I would have paid more, well worth the money.
I wish there were more, though.
I love it, from the art and the animations to the background music to set the mood, I wish all stories could give this experience.
A great storytelling medium that really works well with Lovecraft. Ive read Dagon countless times, but this was a real treat! IA! IA!
Title says it all...