Any Lovecraft fan will enjoy this, I hope they make more Lovecraft stories, can hardly wait.
Any Lovecraft fan will enjoy this, I hope they make more Lovecraft stories, can hardly wait.
Brilliantly done and ver immersive I love it!
I enjoyed the 1st story. I read it on my lunch break. A whole lot better than having to listen to people talk.
This is an awesome way to experience the works of H.P. Lovecraft. However like the Poe classics app this needs a part 2.
I hope iClassics collections continue growing. Very well done adaptations, incredible visuals and great music. It also supports many languages which is a huge plus. I hope they add Italian at some point.
How cool to be introduced to HP Lovecraft for the first time with this app. I was so impressed I bought all the interactive books. I later obtained several other Lovecraft titles and put the music soundtrack from this app on while I read each one. Great art...great music..and a great idea that seems so obvious. I hope we see more of this kind of thing with other titles and even novels.
Ive read a couple of HP Lovecraft stories long ago, and this music-and-graphic-novel is much better. Lovecraft really is good with creepy background music & sound effects & slightly animated graphics.
Youll get when you add more stories, otherwise great!
This is not the same as turning works of literature into pablum like the movies so often do. These iClassics are still books, theres still just as much joy of reading to be had as from reading from a paper page. The only difference is in how creatively they are illustrated. This sort of thing is the promise of the iPad fulfilled. More like this please. Perhaps some H. G. Wells or C. S. Lewis. Maybe even some Harlan Ellison next time.
The music, art and use of the phones other features to create a rich experience.
Crashes now and then. But its illustrated wonderfully and uses everything a phone has to offer for environmental effects! Including music, touch screen, flashlight etc... And for as mysterious as lovecraft can be this definitely helps the reader see as HP did... Or does
Very neat. Definitely worth it
This really made re-reading HP Lovecraft enjoyable. The effect and sound really add to the mood.
This immersive way to read Lovecraft is perfect. You feel the terror, with all your senses. Lovecraft himself would be proud of this, his terror captured in harmony with his words and the visuals this virtual book bring. I only hope the developers will make more of the Cthulhu Mythos this way.. I would gladly buy more and enjoy the terror and madness they bring!
What a wonderful idea this was. Took a second to get the flow of the ebook (which really is what this is, just enhanced, you dont lose the pleasure of reading. You HAVE to have earbuds in) but once I did, oh man. The appropriately creepy illustration coupled with tension building music and ambience made me afraid to turn the page. Scary stories somehow made scarier. Truly a great way to read Lovecraft. I think I will expand my collection of this app. Im glad I had the opportunity to purchase this one at a reduced price for the anniversary yesterday. Thanks! Keep up the good work.
The world needs more entertainment such as this. What an amazing way to experience the classics.
I really enjoyed this app! The interactive touches were really surprising and fun!
A jaunt through the nightmarish world of Lovecraft that was exciting and terrifying! I have chills recalling the more timid frights I received during my visit. I hope more are to come! In the meantime I will be enjoying the Poe and Dickens classics. Cheers!
This is so awesome. The interactive artwork and music adds a whole new dimension to these stories... I cant think of a better way to revisit these classics in a new light while still deeply engaging the imagination. Great work on this. Please make more! (Especially more Lovecraft) ;-D
This app is s great idea whose time had come. Creepy and funny but the literary quality is undimmed.